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Class names start with an uppercase letter, followed by any combination of letters, underscores, or digits. It must match this regular expression: [A-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*.

A concrete class is a class that does not have any abstract properties or methods, and can be instantiated.


class Foo {} // simplest possible

In the class you can have properties and/or methods.

class Universe
	const meaningOfLife = 42;

	f why -> Reason {
		// ...


Creating an instance

class Earth {
	// must be static, have no generic Types or return types
	static f create () {
		// ...


Managing memory is both an important aspect of Joelang as well as a challenging one.

If a class defines a destroy() function, it will be called automatically whenever an object instance goes out of scope.

class Fever {
	let temp: number;

	// must NOT be static, must have no generic Types, parameters, or return types
	f destroy () {
		print 'Feeling better';

Extending classes

A class may extend one or more parent classes, which can be any mix of concrete or abstract.

class Foo extends Bar {}
class Foo extends Bar, Baz {}

Implementing abstract classes or interfaces

A class may implement one or more abstract classes or interfaces.

class Foo implements AbstractClass {}
class Foo implements AbstractClass, MyInterface {}

Potential conflicts

With multiple inheritance comes the possibility of method or property naming conflicts. Here's an example

class A {
	f foo {
		print "I am from class A";

class B {
	f foo {
		print "I am from class B";

class C extends A, B {
	// ...

const c = C.create();; // <-- which foo() is called?

Conflict Resolution

The resolution rules involve these steps:

  1. Automatic resolution: The class extended first takes precendence.
    // scene: classes A and B have foo()
    class C extends A, B {}
    C.create().foo(); // will call A's since it was extended before B
    class D extends B, A {}
    D.create().foo(); // will call B's since it was extended before A
  2. Manual Resolution: Specify which class's method should be used
    // scene: classes A and B have foo()
    class C extends A, B {
    	f foo () {
    		return this.parent<B>.foo(); // <-- Specify to use
    const c = C.create();; // <-- will call the method you created, thereby resolving