Numbers in joelang are meant to be intuitive and to represent real-world use cases.
Numbers can have underscores (_
), a period (.
), and an exponent (^e
Here are some examples:
Number ranges
Ranges can be easily created with 2 numbers, and are inclusive on both sides, always. If you want the last number be exclusive, subtract one.
1 .. 3;
1^e2 .. 3^e2
Ranging downward
Ranges can go downward
5 .. -5
Some exceptions
Some exceptions to ranges are decimals. The example would not work
1 .. 4 // valid ✅
1.0 .. 4.0 // invalid since these contain decimals ❌
You may use an underscore as a separator for readability and it has no effect on the value.
1_200 == 1200
When using exponents
When using an exponential number with an equality check, be sure to wrap your number in parens:
(1^e2) == (3^e2) ✅
1^e2 == 3^e2 ❌
(1^e2) < (3^e2) ✅
1^e2 < 3^e2 ❌
// etc ...