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Pattern matching is done with the when keyword and a variable.

Each branch can be one or more values, a range or array of possible values, or ... for anything else (similar to default in C-type languages)

In joelang, when statements return a value.

The types of each values must match the type of the conditional variable. The return type of each branch must be the same.

// set a string variable
const size = when someNumber {
	// if someNumber is 1 or 2
	1, 2 -> 'small',

	// between 3 and 10 (inclusive)
	3 .. 10 -> 'medium',

	// do stuff before, and use explicit return
	11 -> {

		return 'large';

	// or call a function, whose return value will be used
	12 -> someFunction(),

	// any other value
	... -> 'off the charts',

// `when`s don't have to return anything
when someNumber {
	// call a function
	1, 2 -> small(),

	3 .. 10 -> medium(),

	// fallback function to call
	... -> offTheCharts(),